artists from A-Z:

max. 15:

Wolkenmeer of Silvian Sternhagel
Natal-2021  of  Orfeu de SantaTeresa
WordItOut-word-cloud-2644299.png of  AVATAR
watching of Alicia Garza
Lichtpunkt of Silvian Sternhagel
Zar Nikolai II-Familie  of  Orfeu de SantaTeresa
Alter Clown of Helga Kreuzritter
Ornella Muti II  of  Orfeu de SantaTeresa
Fantazia 09b;4000x3000;15  of Orest Dubay
Liebesbrief of Mamuré Markovic
Leci Brandão of  Orfeu de SantaTeresa
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title: butterfly
artist (F): Karin Rab
size:100 x 50 cm
style: realism
motif: animals
. butterfly
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.
price: on query

short description: Acryl auf XL Keilrahmen 4.5 cm breite Seiten Seidenmatte Firnis
title: pictureframe nothree
artist (F): Sabine Menke
size:25 x 25 cm
style: neither-nor
motif: experimental
. pictureframe nothree
Sale possible by asking price
price: asking price / artist's asking price 55,00 €

short description: Picture Frame No Three.............ein handgefertigtes Acrylbild mit 2 versch. Teilrahmen aus Holz
title: pictureframe noone
artist (F): Sabine Menke
size:29 x 29 cm
style: neither-nor
motif: experimental
. pictureframe noone
Sale possible by asking price
price: asking price / artist's asking price 55,00 €

short description: Picture Frame No One .............ein handgefertigtes Acrylbild mit 2 Teilrahmen aus Holz
title: oriental town 3
artist (F): Sabine Menke
size:100 x 100 cm
style: phantastic-realism
motif: phantastics
. oriental town 3
Sale possible by asking price
price: asking price / artist's asking price 430,00 €

short description: Orientalische Stadt im Abendlicht
title: das äffchen
artist (F): Sabine Menke
size:50 x 70 cm
style: expressionism
motif: animals
. das äffchen
The work can be bought for fixed price
price: fixed price 250,00 €

short description: nach Motiven Franz Marcs
title: sonniger weg
artist (F): Sabine Menke
size:70 x 50 cm
style: expressionism
motif: people
. sonniger weg
The work can be bought for fixed price
price: fixed price 180,00 €

short description: ...nach Motiven August Mackes
title: leute am blauen see
artist (F): Sabine Menke
size:70 x 50 cm
style: expressionism
motif: people
. leute am blauen see
The work can be bought for fixed price
price: fixed price 180,00 €

short description: ...nach Motiven August Mackes
title: katze hinter einem baum
artist (F): Sabine Menke
size:70 x 50 cm
style: expressionism
motif: animals
. katze hinter einem baum
The work can be bought for fixed price
price: fixed price 180,00 €

short description: ...nach Motiven Franz Marcs
title: Tagpfauenauge
artist (F): Karin Rab
size:60 x 60 cm
style: realism
motif: animals
. Tagpfauenauge
This is a presentation.

short description: Serie Schmetterlinge
title: Schmetterlingsblüte
artist (F): Karin Rab
size:80 x 40 cm
style: realism
motif: animals
. Schmetterlingsblüte
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.
price: on query

short description: Realismus Aus der Serie Schmetterlinge
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100 general keywordsfor the works are:
Lomography | Gesichtsabdruck | unkonvetionell | I | Geisterstunde | Geld | Objekte | bunte | Lesen | gemuese | Wellen | Seerose-I | schwarzweiß | Wachsmalerei | Puppen | Geometrie-trifft-Emo | surreal | Großstadt | Bildhaueer | atlantik | Prophet | tafelberg | Sand | Schlangeenkopf | Panikattacke | snowleopard | Wertschätzung | steine | das | adam | Relig. | Zürich | Rettet | blaue | Böcke | Deich | Motorradmalerei | Spazieren | Konzerthaus | Kreuzberg | Uhr | Tiere | Kerzen | Büste | Fantasie | Befreiung | Erzengel | Spielsachen | Frische | Verbundenheit | Bernhard | Buch | Visitenkarte | Hans | Klaus | Schwammtechnik | Sophia | Gesundheit | Rose | Quittenbaum | Menschen | Fotorealistisch | Gebet | Fingerabdruck | Intuition | Frucht | Stimmung | Augen | teich | Objektkunst, | feuer | welle | Baumrinde | androgyn | Tatsache | Zürichsee | Naturcollage | ölfarbe | Zirkus | Specksteinfrau | Maske | news | Miles | JinJan | spirituel | heiß | Kreise | Scheich | Encaustic | Bleistiftzeichnung | Symbolismus | Energie | Märchen | Herbstlandschaft | 3742-Camila-Garcia-3 | Abendstimmung | regenbogenfarben | Lebenselixier | androgynous | Pfingsten |