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universo 0045  of  Orfeu de SantaTeresa
Kreuz zu Kreis  of Motron A. Havelka

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title: 2 abstrakt
artist: J. Cynthia Werner
size:90 x 120 cm
style: abstract-art-general
motif: abstraction
. 2 abstrakt
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.

short description:
title: 6 abstrakt
artist: J. Cynthia Werner
size:90 x 120 cm
style: abstract-art-general
motif: abstraction
. 6 abstrakt
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.

short description:
title: Tik Tok
artist: J. Cynthia Werner
size:90 x 120 cm
style: geometric-abstraction
motif: abstraction
. Tik Tok
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.

short description:
title: ich
artist: J. Cynthia Werner
size:90 x 120 cm
style: expressionism
motif: abstraction
. ich
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.

short description:
title: IMG 2019
artist: J. Cynthia Werner
size:90 x 120 cm
style: expressionism
motif: abstraction
. IMG 2019
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.

short description:
title: dawn
artist (m): Viktor Anghius- Locker
size:70 x 160 cm
style: abstract-art-general
motif: abstraction
. dawn
Sale possible by asking price
price: asking price / artist's asking price 1 000,00 €

short description: der Tag geht zu ende
title: 1b
artist (m): Ricardo Frank Ricardo
size:510 x 363 cm
style: abstract-art-general
motif: abstraction
. 1b
Please ask the availability by a query to the artist.

short description: DUNDULAND.EU
title: Geborgenheit
artist (m): Karl Kaul
size:100 x 100 cm
style: expressionism
motif: abstraction
. Geborgenheit
The work can be bought for fixed price
price: fixed price 2 000,00 €

short description: Paar
title: Vereint
artist (m): Karl Kaul
size:100 x 100 cm
style: expressionism
motif: abstraction
. Vereint
The work can be bought for fixed price
price: fixed price 2 000,00 €

short description: Familie
title: Illssion2
artist: Mamu
size:70 x 100 cm
style: abstract-art-general
motif: abstraction
. Illssion2
The work can be bought for fixed price

short description: Ölmischgemälde
title: Pygmalion
artist (F): Dominique Brunzlik / Paradiso Figurale
size:100 x 70 cm
style: abstract-art-general
motif: abstraction
. Pygmalion
This is a presentation.

short description: Digitale Fotografie Collage Malerei Multimedia
title: Challenge - Herausforderung
artist (F): Dominique Brunzlik / Paradiso Figurale
size:105 x 140 cm
style: abstract-art-general
motif: abstraction
. Challenge - Herausforderung
This is a presentation.

short description: Fremde geheimnisvolle neue Bilderwelten entstehen durch Metamorphose gegenständlicher Fotografie - Paradiso Figurale
title: Bulge color - Farbwölbung
artist (F): Dominique Brunzlik / Paradiso Figurale
size:105 x 140 cm
style: abstract-art-general
motif: abstraction
. Bulge color - Farbwölbung
This is a presentation.

short description: Paradiso Figurale - Fotomalerei Multimedia Collage - Das einzig Beständige ist der Wandel
title: Guajolote 1
artist: Alicia Garza
size:100 x 80 cm
style: expressionism
motif: abstraction
. Guajolote 1
The work is not forseen for sale or already sold

short description: experimentieren mit farbe!
title: guajolote 2
artist: Alicia Garza
size:70 x 100 cm
style: expressionism
motif: abstraction
. guajolote 2
The work can be bought for fixed price

short description: experimentieren mit farben!
title: corny pink
artist: Alicia Garza
size:60 x 60 cm
style: expressionism
motif: abstraction
. corny pink
The work can be bought for fixed price

short description: experimentieren mit farbe!
title: esfera
artist: Alicia Garza
size:60 x 60 cm
style: expressionism
motif: abstraction
. esfera
The work can be bought for fixed price

short description: experimentieren mit farbe!
title: Traum in grün
artist: Alicia Garza
size:60 x 60 cm
style: expressionism
motif: abstraction
. Traum in grün
The work can be bought for fixed price

short description: experimentieren mit farbe!
title: watching
artist: Alicia Garza
size:50 x 70 cm
style: expressionism
motif: abstraction
. watching
The work can be bought for fixed price

short description: experimentieren mit farbe!
title: alcatraz
artist: Alicia Garza
size:40 x 40 cm
style: expressionism
motif: abstraction
. alcatraz
The work can be bought for fixed price

short description: experimentieren mit farbe!
 12 |>| last 
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100 general keywordsfor the works are:
Hochgebirge | Bleistiftzeichnung | Marlene | Rheinlandschaft | Bäume | Körperabdruck | Seerose-II | Explusion | Lebensbaum | grün-blau | abstrakt,rot,blau,vi | bizarr | leuchturm | Abstraktion | Kontrast | buntes | Pferd | Halme | colourplay | Kopf | Motorsäge | Weihnachten | Aktzeichnung,männlic | Mutter | multicolored | Magie | Schuh | Blumenfeld | historisch | Orchideen | looker | Anmut | Personen-Gruppe | küste | Geschenk | Figurativ | Stargate | Eugen | Experimentelles | Gezeiten | Kraft | bunt | pawlik | Inseln | berlin,mauerfall,kri | Begegnung | Zürichimpressionen | Pfauenauge | Sylvenstein | Künstlerbuch | Boote | Geometrie-trifft-Emo | Charisma | Natursymbolik | Körper, | gemarterte | Klaus | Pastellkreide | Skelette | Symbolismus | Mohnblumen | Struktur,abstract | Quittenrinde | Panter | Holz | Grafitti | Syrrealistisch | ar | Tod | Scmetterling | Pferdestampede | Gesellschaftskritisc | Spatzen | Kollektion | Laokoon | Schlangeenkopf | schatten | Kareyce | Sammy | Heinz | Schauspielerin | Portrait | Schleier | mensch,mann,figur,sc | Spachteltechnik | Schweben | Wasserspiegelung | Seeblick | Halltertau | Musiker | Blumenbilder | Erscheinung | Sturm | Fotos | expressive | Stuhl | Stéphane | Grichenland | See | Entstehung |